
  • Title: (that summarizes the  topic of the article).
  • Author/s data: Names, Institution, ORCID registration number and emails.
  • Summary (Abstract): In Spanish and English, it must be written in a single paragraph and must be no longer than  100 words.
  • Keywords (Keywords): In English and Spanish.
  • Type of the article according to the Journal classification 
  • Introduction
  • Development of the theme
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliographic references
  • Extension: minimum 15 maximum 25 pages.


  • Title: (Corresponding to the Bibliographic identification of the text reviewed)
  • Author/s Data: Names, institution and emails.
  • Introduction: where the academic and professional life of the author of the text outlined is succinctly stated
  • Summary: where the content of the work is described
  • Critical Commentary
  • Bibliographic references
  • Extension: minimum 2 maximum 3 pages.